Importing Vulnerability Scanner Results into Unified VRM
- Sep 13, 2013
- Guest Author
One of the most important aspects of every complex system is flexibility. Flexibility of adapting to changing circumstances and leveraging existing investments in technology solutions.
The architecture of Unified VRM was designed with flexibility as a primary consideration. It not only has the capability to perform native scans on a wide variety of assets (external, internal, configuration, web application, wireless and more to come) but it also has the flexibility to import scan results from external scanners.
Unified VRM has a capability to natively import external and internal scanner results of Qualys, Rapid7 Nexpose and Tenable Nessus. Once the scans are imported into the database, they are like all scan result data pushed into our Artificial Intelligence Expert System for data cleansing, correlation, and prioritization. At the end of the day, there is no difference between generated scan results and imported scan results in terms of data analysis.
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Recently, we expanded the capabilities to include importing vulnerability data into the Unified VRM web application module. The users can now import BurpSuite, W3af and Skipfish web application scan data in XML format into Unified VRM. This adds great flexibility for those web application technologies that are notoriously scan-proof such as Javascript and Flash.
Our customers report huge benefits to the flexibility provided by Unified VRM. Not only does it offer the ability to leverage existing technology investments, it makes those prior investments even more valuable. When it comes to vulnerability management, having more input data that is aggregated, filtered, and prioritized means that customers receive a more comprehensive picture of the vulnerabilities that matter most. Not only does this result in faster and more efficient remediation of security threats, but it also delivers insight for better decision-making.
There is no better way to learn how you can leverage your existing vulnerability scanner investments than seeing Unified VRM in action. Get a personalized demo of how Unified VRM can help you proactively manage IT security.