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Credibility and Reputation – New Target for Cyber-Attacks

Is there anybody that has not received an email that starts like this, “<Company name> recently experienced a cyber-attack on our computer systems that resulted in unauthorized access to some customer data from our servers.” Because I work in the IT security industry, it is a frequent occurrence for friends and family to forward me examples.

In an article by Jeffrey Roman, titled “Protecting an Organization’s Reputation”, Steve Durbin of the Information Security Forum discusses cyber-attacks and how companies deal with the issue of reputational risk.

Benefit from the reassurance that your IT environment is secure

Safeguarding reputation has proven to be one of the motivating factors for many of our customers to get more proactive about their approach to vulnerability management. It also is a key benefit of implementing Unified VRM! It is obvious that any publicity related to security concerns or breaches is bad for the reputation of a business and can also hurt the bottom line. “Word of a cyber-attack spreads fast these days, Durbin says, and that viral impact can be a major issue.”

Another key item raised in the article is the rapid pace of technology. “Organizations are trying to get their arms around how they can deal with some of the challenges of the consumerization and bring-your-own movements, having to deal with organizational data and structures, while also protecting the amount of information that they’re continually generating within the enterprise themselves.” NopSec has worked in recent months with a number of customers that were struggling to define and implement effective security strategies for internal employees accessing corporate data with mobile devices. We view this as a major growth area for our business in the future.

Interested in discussing options to protect your company from cyber-attacks? Contact us for an initial consultation.

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