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NopSec Webinar: Monthly Platform Demo Series

Monthly Product Demo Webinar Image

NopSec welcomes you to tour our Cyber Threat Exposure Management platform. Let us walk you through the features, capabilities, and technology that can overhaul your Vulnerability Management program. Whether you’re a CISO or a Security Analyst, the NopSec platform can optimize your workflows and allow you to make real progress in securing your risk exposure. See how NopSec will help you fix less and secure more!

PRESENTER: Rob Johnson
WHEN: These webinars will occur the secondary Thursday of every month in 2024 at 2pm ET.

  • Security Data Aggregation
  • Remediation Plans
  • Exception Plans
  • Prioritization and Machine Learning
  • Celebrity Vulnerabilities
  • Ticketing Integrations
  • Role Based Access Controls
Register for the Webinar!
  • cybersecurity excellence gold award
  • Cyber Security Excellence Awards - Winner 2020
  • Network Products Guide - IT World Awards 2019 Gold

Schedule a Product Demo Today!

See how NopSec's security insights and cyber threat exposure management platform can organize your security chaos.