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Is there value in cyber-security degrees?

Why IAM Technology is Critical to Your Vulnerability Management Program

I came across some news the other day that a local university will start offering a master’s degree in “Cyber-Security and Leadership”. A quick search on the web revealed that there are a growing number of educational institutions offering degrees in this type of computing specialization.

A few years ago Computerworld posted an opinion piece titled, “Let’s scuttle cyber-security bachelor’s degree programs” by Ira Winkler. Ira argues that, “Security professionals need to function in a variety of disciplines” and that undergraduate cyber-security programs are counterproductive.

Perhaps in just a few short years, the opinion may require re-evaluation. More recently, the Department of Homeland Security made it clear that they believe there is a need to expand the national pipeline of men and women with advanced cyber-security skills. “Cyber education key to security”.

For many of our customers, it is common for the person responsible for IT security to wear many hats and have responsibilities broader than just security and vulnerability management. It makes sense for that individual to have a well-rounded understanding of all aspects of information technology. A broad perspective is important in formulating an overall IT security strategy.

At NopSec we tend to hire security specialists. That allows us to provide the in-depth knowledge and expertise that many of our customers lack. We also believe that nothing beats experience when it comes to security. On our team of security engineers, we pair smart and ambitious young recruits with more experienced folks that have detailed knowledge of infrastructure, operating systems, and applications, gained from years of administering systems. Whether it is ongoing vulnerability management with Unified VRM or NopSec’s penetration testing services, you can rest assured that we will deliver expertise… degree or not.

Find out more about NopSec’s approach to penetration testing by downloading our Best Practices Guide: Penetration Testing.

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